Uttar Pradesh Army Rally Bahali Sol GD, Sol Tech, Sol NA, Sol Tdn, Sol Clk, Sol Pharma JCO Religious Teacher, JCO Catering Recruitment Rally open Bharti vacancy notification UP state 2021-2022. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mera naam vishal hai sir mujhe bhi army main jana hai sir mujhe selection ke liye kya karna hoga please mujhe bata dijiyega. Individuals qualified in B Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council/ Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible. Apply online from 20th December to 2nd February 2021. Each result prepared during the selection procedure will determine the shortlisting of the candidates after each round that was conducted after which the results will be announced or released on the official website. Date of online registration application UP Army Open Rally Bharti. All who want UP Army Bharti Date 2020-21 and want to apply for Uttar Pradesh Army Rally, they need to fill their online form. Sports Certificate (For sportsman cadets). Indian Army Recruitment in Uttar Pradesh September 2020 UP Army Bharti Indian Army Recruitment in Uttar Pradesh 2020 will be held for eligible candidates of districts in Blow . Only those candidates who have been declared to be medically fit will need to wait for the final selection as per the merit list. 2019 me kaun so date ko hone wali hai plz Ripley my Email ID par sir, Jai hind sir jai bhart Maa sir up me gd post ke lie height kitna cm chahie sir replay sir, Sir up me 2019 me Indian army rally bharti kab tak ayegi, Mainpuri kab Laga h 2019 or jhashee me kab Indian army rally Bharti kab tak ayegi sir, Sir mera from open nhi hua rha hai application not open dikha rha hai sir please jaldi se btao kya problem hai, Sir bareilly ka form fill up karna hai last date 22/9/2019 hai sir jaldi se reply de dena please, Your email address will not be published. SSLC / Matric / 10th with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. Now look for the Bharti Rally Recruitment list. Kanpur ki Bharti ab 2019 me kab Lage gi sir reply please, Sir distict shrawasti state up ki bharti kab aa rahi 2019 ka 10 paas hone par ham bharti dekh sakte hai up me bharti aane se all distict ko liya jayega ya phir jila by hoga. There are a number of districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh where this recruitment or Bharti rallies are held under the supervision of ARO or Area Recruiting Organization. No percentage considered with higher qualification ie 10+2 and above. me aapse ye jaanna chahta hu mene online rajistration kiya hua pr jab kabhi bharti ki opening hoti h to official website pr “Application not open” hi Show hota h. mere paas distic GZB ka domicile h pr GZB ki rally ke liye bhi me apply nhi kr pata hu or kya m sirf gaziabaad distic ki hi bharti dekh skta hu ya kisi or state ya distic k liye bhi able hu. Get the UP Army Bharti Vacancy 2020 and attend the army rally. Army Relation Bharti 2021 – Apply online for Soldier General Duty, Soldier Clerk, Store Keeper Technical, Sepoy Pharma & other Posts. It is also responsible for providing the Military with the highest number of eligible individuals who serve the country and secure safety of all. We likewise give up and coming govt work caution to the activity searchers from different streams like TA Army Rally Bharti 2021. 2. Defence Jobs 2020 for Indian Army Navy Air Force. He should be able to read 6/6 in distant vision chart with each eye. sir mughe ak mauka chahiy apne desh ki seva karne ke liye pleas. Without filling the application form and then submitting it none of the individuals will be able to appear for either of JCO Or open Bharti rally as per the recent rule and regulations implied by the government. Physical Standards Measurement:- The physical attributes of the candidates are also considered as vital requirements in terms of the eligibility criteria is concerned. Agar apke pass relation and sports certificate hai tab ap relation or sports ki bharti dekh skte ho. AllArmyJob.com- Govt Jobs Website in India to Apply Online for Army Open Bharti. Indian Army Bharti 2020: Upcoming Indian Army Rally Bharti 2021 : ARO Zone Wise Chart: Candidates who want to Join Indian Army Bharti State Wise. UP Army Open Bharti 2021 Final Result District Wise – UP Army Open Bharti 2020 Final Result UP Indian Army has declare result of all district. of district in UP is 75, and for all those 75 district Indian Army does not release notification at a time. Distric ki rally kb hogi, Sir Plz give me some guidance. 1. Prof. Mohan Singh Rawat. Required fields are marked *. उत्तर प्रदेश आर्मी भर्ती 2021, UP Army Open/ Relation/ Sports Bharti Program 2021 – Click Here, Physical Standard: Physical Standard Required to join Indian Army for Uttar Pradesh State is as under:-, Documents: Candidates are advised to keep ready the following documents for UP state army open rally bharti well in advance to advise any in-convenience:-, List of Documents in original required for army rally, Preparation/Format of Document for Uttar Pradesh Army Rally Bharti – Click Here, Medical Test Indian Army: On completion of physical fitness test/ physical measurement test/ documentation all candidates have to through medical test for Uttar Pradesh army rally bharti:-, PFT/Wrtten Exam Marks Indian Army Recruitment: How PFT Marks added in written examination/ final merit list in preparation of army result merit list for Soldier GD, Soldier Tech, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tradesman for recruitment in the Indian army bharti given below:-. Here are the details about the UP Army Recruitment Rally 2020-21. Indian Army Rally Bharti 2020 Notification. Sportsman who have represented india at international level or state at national Level. Indian Army Agra Rally Bharti UP 2020 An Indian Army recruitment rally for Soldier General Duty (Sol Gd), Sol Technical (Sol Tech), Soldier Tradesmen (Sol Tdn), Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical (Sol Clk/SKT), and Sol Nursing Assistant (Sol NA) for Six districts (Agra, Aligarh, Mathura, Hathras, Firozabad, and Kasganj will be held at Anand Engineering College, Agra. Agar main Kahi bahar ki Bharti dekhna chahun to kya karna hoga. Indian Army Rally Bharti In UP (Uttar Pradesh) 2020-21: Uttar Pradesh Army Bharti Rally 2020-21 Date: UP Army Recruitment Open Bharti Rally Eligibility Criteria 2020-21: UP Army Bharti Rally Selection Procedure : Under the physical standards candidates should fulfill the minimum physical standards. Print out two copies of the application form. Indian army ki raly kha Aur kaun so date ko hai plz. Should be able to run in 06 Minutes 30 seconds. Chandauli UP. As the candidates appear a stage of the selection procedure they will be selected based on the results prepared by the authorities on the basis of the score and capabilities of the candidates. During the medical test, the candidates will be examined over the medical aspects such as the mental health, eyesight or vision, hearing ability physical structure of the individual. Soldier General Duty for Infantry should have 6/6 eye sight. Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele and varicocele or piles. UP state date of army bharti online registration, admit card, physical, medical test, written test, final result of open rally bharti. Sarkari Result: Join Indian Army has released Notification for Indian Army Rally Bharti Registration form 2019. Upcoming Latest Territorial Army Open Rally 2020 Territorial Army (TA) Open Bharti 2020 will be scheduled as All India State Unit wise or all zones wise. Ripley sir, Sir Mera district kushinagar pin code 274802 hai to Ikea ARO /BRO office kha hoga Aur iski indian army rally kha hoti hai. The organization released a number of vacancies for the UP candidates. Age Limit:- The age limit will be set up between the minimum and maximum age and to qualify the age of the candidate must be between the age as required for each trade of the Indian Army mentioned below:-. Indian Army UP Rally Bharti 2020-21 district wise date schedule release @joinindianarmy.nic.in(official portal of Indian army). It is a good opportunity for eligible candidates to join Indian Army through TA Jobs 2020. मेरा नाम अमन है मैं राजस्थान का रहने वाला हूं गंगापुर सिटी जिला सवाई माधोपुर में दसवीं पास हूं मैं सर आर्मी ज्वाइन होना चाहता हूं मेरा मोबाइल नंबर है 8278611636…please sir join mein army main sada aapka abhari rahunga Jay Hind Jay Bharat….. Hello sir mere uper ke do daat tut gaye hai aur ek daat me thoda gap hai kya main army me ja sakta hu. उत्तर प्रदेश आर्मी भर्ती 2021, Army Bharti Sikkim 2021-2022 Online Registration, लॉन्गलेंग आर्मी भर्ती Army Rally Bharti Longleng 2020 Application, Physical, Medical, Written, कोट्टायम आर्मी भर्ती Army Rally Bharti Kottayam 2019 Application, Physical, Medical, Written, सेना रैली भर्ती शाखा भर्ती कार्यालय आगरा 2021 BRO Agra Army Bharti, Relation Recruitment Rally Indian Navy Sailor MR, SSR, AA, Musician, NMR 2021-2022, मांड्या आर्मी भर्ती Army Rally Bharti Mandya …, चित्तूर आर्मी भर्ती 2020 Chittoor Army Rally …, Ferozpur Army Bharti Khasa, Patiala, Ludhiana 2021-2022 …, आगर-मलवा आर्मी भर्ती 2020 Agar malwa Army …, मैसूर आर्मी भर्ती Army Rally Bharti Mysore …, All India Army Bharti Program UP 2020-2021, आल इंडिया पुलिस भर्ती प्रोग्राम 2020-2021, Allahabad (Prayagraj) army open rally program, Amroha (J.P. Nagar) army open rally program, Kushinagar (Padrauna) army open rally program, Lakhimpur - Kheri army open rally program, Sambhal (Bhim Nagar) army open rally program, Shamali (Prabuddh Nagar) army open rally program, 10th Pass with 45% in aggregate and minimum 33% in each subject, 10th Simple Pass/ 8th pass for few trades, 10+2 Pass with 50% in each subject and 60% in aggregate with English/maths, 12th pass with 40% in each subject and 50% in aggregate wth physics, chemestry, maths & English, 12th pass with 40% in each subject and 50% in aggregate wth physics, chemestry, biology & English, 12th pass with 40% in each subject and 50% in aggregate wth physics, chemestry, biology & English or diploma in Mech, Elect, Auto Mobile/ITI, 10+2 or equivalent exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. Indian Army Bharti Bareilly 2019-20 ARO Fatehgarh… Lucknow Army Bharti 2020- ZRO/HQ Lucknow Army… Jhansi Army Rally Open Bharti 2019 — Soldier GD,… Ghazipur Army Rally Bharti 2019 — 8th/10th/12th Pass… Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agra Recruitment Jobs 2020 @… NJILOMD Jalma Agra Recruitment 2020 — Jobs Vacancies… Domicile Certificate ( Residential Certificate). Sir aap kuch batao, Ap jis district se ho ap us dictrict ki bharti ke liye registration kro or phr rally me participates kro, Sir my study is completed in mumbai districts of UP. UP Army Open Bharti 2021 Final Result District Wise – UP Army Open Bharti 2020 Final Result UP Indian Army has declare result of all district. Hlo sir my age is 24 can I join Indian army However, the final recruitment will be decided by the final merit list that is prepared only after the selection procedure is complete and will take at least 20 days to be released. UP Army Bharti Physical Fitness Test (PFT)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET) required for army recruitment rally bharti, 1600 meter race (1.6 km/1 mile run), pull ups/ beam (under grip), 9 feet long jump (ditch/khaddha/ gaddha jump), Balance on Zig Zag physical tests are required to qualify PFT/PET for candidates in the rally ground during recruitment rally bharti of Uttar Pradesh. So the state offers the Indian Army with a huge area and eager souls who can be recruited into the Indian Army over various arms of the force. Apply for rally Bharti In UP 2020. (I) 12th pass (Science/Arts/Commerce) With 50% in each subject and 60% marks aggregate marks. Soldier Technical:- Candidates who have passed 10+2 (Intermediate) with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with an aggregate of 50% are eligible for this trade. Candidates who are interested in the Indian Army Service or belong ARO Amethi unit can apply online application form before the last date given below. Post Name: Up indian army rally bharti 2020Short Info: Army Recruitment Rally will be held for eligible candidates of districts Bathinda, Faridkot, Sri MuktsarSahib, Ferozepur and Fazilka from 15 Sep 2020 to 24 Sep 2020 Therefore the aspirants must possess an acceptable physical stature to qualify under the physical standards for which the following physical attributes of the candidates will be measured. Date sheet UP army open rally bharti 2021-2022. hlo sir mai neeraj kumar gautam meri hieght 5.5 Hai kya mera BSF me ho jayega? Uttar Pradesh Indian Army Rally Bharti 2020 Bharti Date in UP Total no. Under this selection process Height, Weight and Chest measured. Hello Rajbhar, please keep watch on “army bharti samachar 2020” for latest update of army recruitment rally program, and submission of application. We are able to update Bharti date for All Zone 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th rally programmed in below table. Ozr ap sirf apne state ki apne district ki rally ke liye apply kr skte ho. The last time it was done in the month of April at Mathura, now the nex t Agra army open Bharti 2021 Is going to conduct very soon.. Indian army rally Bharti Agra ARO is an ARO of HQ RTG Zone Lucknow.Which responsible to serve their services to various UP districts candidates. Himachal Pradesh state district wise army open rally bharti 2020: District/state wise Himachal Pradesh army open rally schedule / program/ notification/ up comming army rally bharti program for the year 2020-2021. Read complete official notification from www.joinindianarmy.nic.in before apply for any army job post. Should have normal hearing with each ear and good binocular vision in both eyes. NOTE:- Relaxation to some extent in terms of physical standards will be provided to the candidates depending upon their category as per the rule for which the relaxation chart has been provided below. These admit cards are also regarded as the hall ticket which can and will be issued only by the recruiting organization that is the Indian Army. Relation Certificates ( UHQ recruitment/Bhai Band Bharti). Army Bharti Online Registration Form, Eligibility, Apply 2020-2021 By P Singh Tuesday Indian Army introduced online registration facility to all the candidates who want to join the Indian Army as an Officer (except UPSC entries), Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) and Other Ranks (OR). minimum 14 dental points. A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health. Attach required documents, photo and signature of the candidate. Required Documents For Army Bharti UP 2020-21: Uttar Pradesh (UP) Army Recruitment Rally Application Form 2020-21: Indian Army Rally Bharti In UP Result 2020-21: Your email address will not be published. Defence Jobs 2020 for Indian Army Navy Air Force. Over the years and in present there is numerous recruitment that is held in Uttar Pradesh especially for the Indian Army which is the largest component of the Indian Military. Sir I m CP rajbhar The UP Army Has released Final result for post of Soldier GD, Soldier Technical AAE, Soldier Nursing Assistant Soldier Clerk SKT, Soldier Tradesmen etc Candidate belong to UP State can check here result 2021. Combined Entrance Exam (CEE) for Army Recruitment Rally in Fatehpur for 13 Districts will conduct 01 November, 2020. District Wise Bharti Hogi toh ap apni district ki rally ke liye apply krna. बीम में 100% मार्क्स कैसे प्राप्त करें -, RELIGIOUS TEACHER Recruitment Program 2021, सभी ग्रुप/श्रेणी के परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम की नवीन, NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day Parade, Candidates having O+ Level Computer Certificate issued by DOEACC Society, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura Army Recruitmenty Rally 2021, धर्म शिक्षक/ धर्म गुरु भर्ती प्रोग्राम 2021, ARO Cuttack Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Katihar Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Calicut Army Open Recruitment Program 2021, ARO Gaya Army Open Rally Bharti Progrma 2021, ARO Pithoragarh Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Almora Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Danapur Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Jamnagar Army Open Rally Bharti Program Fresh Nitification 2021, ARO Muzaffarpur Army Open Rally Bharti 2021, ARO Belgaum Army Open Rally Recruitment Program 2021, Agartala Army Recruitment Program 2021 ARO Silchar, Bihar Police Recruitment Notification 2021, West Bengal Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, HQ Jalandhar Cantt Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, Madhya Pradesh Police Bharti Program 2021, Arty Center Hyderabad Relation & Sports Bharti 2021, SSC Tech Male and Female Notification 2021, Haryana ARO Hisar, Ambala, Rewari Online Application, भारतीय नौसेना 12th पास टेक्निकल भर्ती स्कीम 2021, Army Open and UHQ Quota Rally Ahemadnagar 2021, आर्मड कोर रिलेशन एंड स्पोर्ट्स ओपन रैली भर्ती प्रोग्राम 2021, All India Open Sports and Relation Rally Bharti BEG 2021, Jat Regt Army Relation & Sports Bharti Program, Punjab Regt Center Army Relation &Sports Recruitment 2020, ARO Jhunjhunu Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, Aro Kota Soldier D Pharma, NA/NA Vet Army Bharti Program, ARO Jodhpur Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, Girls Army Rally Bharti Online Application 2021, ARO Shimla Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, RO HQ Bangalore Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Hamirpur Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Ferozepur Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, CRPF Paramedical Staff 789 Posts Recruitment Program, Rajputana Rifles Army Relation & Sports Bharti Program 2021, RAJ RIF Army Relation & Sports Bharti Program 2021, नेपाली/गोरखा आर्मी खुली एवं रिलेशन भर्ती प्रोग्राम, ARO Lansdowne Army Rally Program May 2021, ARO Coimbatore Army Recruitment Program 2021, AP Army Rally Bharti Program ARO Guntur 2021, RO HQ Ambala Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, Chandigarh Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Shillong Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, KRC Ranikhet Army Relation & Sports Bharti Program 2021, Assam Police Bharti Online Application 2021, ARO Chennai Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, J & K Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, Chhattisgarh Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, Odisha Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, Garhwal Rifles Army Relaation & Sports Bharti 2021, ARO Mangalore Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2021, Madras Regt Center Army Relation Bharti 2021, ARO Ranchi Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, ARO Ludhiana Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, Dogra Regt Center Army Relation & Sports Bharti 2021, Lakshadweep Army Bharti Program ARO Calicut, Arunachal Pradesh Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, इंडियन एयरफोर्स रैली प्रोग्राम ग्रुप X एंड Y 2021-22, Pune Maharashtra Army Open Rally Bharti 2021, MEG Center Bangalore Army Relation Bharti 2021, RO HQ Shillong Army Open Rally Bharti 2021, ARO Trichy Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, AOC Center Secunderabad Army Relation Bharti 2021, PARA Regt Army Relation & Sports Bharti Program 2021, ARO Hamirpur Army Rally Bharti Program 2021, AAD Center Gopalpur UHQ Quota Rally Notification 2021, Arty Center Nasik Army Relation Bharti Program 2021, BIHAR Regt UHQ Rally Program all Indian basis, Kerala State Army Rally all Districts 2021, JAK LI Regt Open Army Rally Bharti 2021 (J&K), RAJPUT Regt Open/Sport/Relation Rally 2021, धर्म गुरु पंडित, ग्रंथी, मौलवी, पादरी, बौद्ध सन्यासी भर्ती प्रोग्राम, ARO Amethi Army Rally Bharti 2021 at Trisundi, Fatehgarh Sepoy Pharma Bharti UP & UK 2021, भारतीय वायुसेना रैली भर्ती 2021 (All India/Nepal), Online Registration application Indian army, All education certificates and mark sheets, Relation Certificate (For relation candidates), Outsider Sanction for (Outsider candidates). Programmed in below table 01 November, 2020 @ joinindianarmy.nic.in ( official portal of Indian Army UP Rally from! Bata dijiyega Uttar Pradesh Army Open Rally Bharti 2020 notification PDF will army bharti 2020 up Open.... With minimum 55 % marks aggregate marks and 40 % marks and 40 % marks aggregate.! Sir Mera naam vishal hai sir mujhe selection ke liye apply kr ho. Notification at a time under this selection process Height, Weight and Chest measured ap! Minimum 5 cms expension 17 years 5 months to 21 years to be eligible sir Mera naam vishal sir. Level or State at National level Rally programmed in below table that will be shared by. Hoti hai 2nd Position in last two years Rally ke liye apply,. Selection Bharti bhare phr physical hoga uske bad medical and last me written below. And 33 % in each subject pass candidates and will be Open from caution to the homepage in Pharma! Son–In–Law of a War Widow, if she has no son including a adopted! 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