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angular behaviorsubject refresh

For this demo, I have used Angular version 9. Angular; Security; Securing a Single Page Application is a very important part of its implementation, yet sometimes it brings a lot of confusion, especially when there are many ways to achieve it. Refresh the token and as soon as we get a result, and now finally execute the current request and we return that observable of the request, The first event is the current value in the BehaviorSubject, most likely a "null" (because the token refresh is still in progress), that event gets filtered out by, The second event is the refreshed token, that will pass the filter, We are only interested in that token, so with ''first'' we take the first that passed the filter (the event reached the, Now we switch from the stream of the BehaviorSubject to a new Stream, and now we finally handle the current request and return the observable of that request.         (click)="delete(task)">x In Angular, BehaviorSubject allows to push and pull values to the underlying Observable. getTasks(): void {               });}. But the main question arises: how do you run the change detector manually? I'm importing the HTTPClientModule in root, but it's a valid point ! Oh also, is it syntactically possible to not have the switchmap end on "return next handle" but instead just add the token to the request and be done in the switchmap at that point? with any other private api, it can change with an upgrade with no notice. Thank you very much! A BehaviorSubject allows us to push and pull values to the underlying Observable. I really don't have a solid grasp on rxjs yet. I followed all of his suggestions, but arrived at a different final code structure. My current best theory is something else is interfering. This article is going to focus on a specific kind of observable called Subject. And all are kind of valid :-)        

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