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furnace blows hot air then cold

Compromised flame sensor. Since the draft motor was noisy we replaced that as well. If this is the case, someone walking by the burner could generate enough of a draft to cause the pilot to go out. It’s freezing outside, and all you want is to get in your car and turn on the heat. Unfortunately, more complex issues in this department typically require an expensive replacement. Unfortunately the photo you sent had a virus - we had to clean it up so what we display here is a bit different and at at lower resolution that your version. Used to work fine and then during a repair in 2016 all the ducts were fully opened- my mistake. The flame sensor itself is relatively easy to clean, but many homeowners are uncomforable working on their furnaces. (This is just on general principle). I have a York Diamond 80 furnace. I would start by looking at the furnace itself: is this an electric, gas or oil unit? The pilot light is another common culprit of gas furnace problems. With Honeywell fan limit switch, outside fresh air intake and draft motor. One safety bypass he made was found during the repair and corrected. We live in central NY-temps during the winter are from 30 to minus 15. Inadequate gas supply. If this doesn’t fix your problem, and your furnace is still not blowing hot air, you can move on to some of the other potential culprits. I don't know what's happening with your heating system but I can, from your note make a few diagnostic suggestions: Watch out: you are quite right not to force the set point adjustments on a fan limit switch. A dirty air filter blocks airflow over the furnace’s heat exchanger, causing it to overheat. This is a likely cause if your furnace blows hot air, then cold. The motor can be faulty or seizing up causing it to not spin fast enough to move enough air through the furnace. There's a lot of issues that can cause your ducts to leak. This will eliminate the risk of freezing. This issue is often caused by the thermostat receiving false readings. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. If the switch is in the ON position, then the blower keeps running, even when the furnace is not heating. If cleaning the pilot tube and ignition element doesn't solve the problem, and you continue to lose your pilot, the thermocouple may be defective. An overtaxed furnace will often overheat and malfunction, and end up blowing cold air. What do you think? It is important to note that constant overheating can damage your heat exchanger. There is one furnace in the basement and one thermostat -in the upstairs apt. The thermocouple is a sensor that regulates ignition, and if it requires adjustment or replacement your furnace will blow cold air. In fact, the problem may be as simple as changing your filter! Your furnace blowing cold air could be caused by hot air escaping through holes in the duct work that carries the heat throughout your building. When this is the case there's a good chance that the material will degrade and begin to leak. When a heating cycle begins and your air handler turns on, that cool air will blow out of your registers before warm air does. Furnace overheating can be the cause of your cold air dilemma. You’ve got three basic options. The fan limit switch sensor which protrudes into the burn area is crusted and therefore "locked" into a former position and now un adjustable. What Can I Do If My Heater Is Blowing Cold Air? As soon as the furnace cycles back on the air will warm up again. Classic furnaces work by generating heat—usually by burning natural gas or powering an electric heating element—and then using that heat to warm air that is blown through a heat exchanger. In such cases, a safety control device known as the limit switch will shut off the burners. Your thermostat has a switch for your fan that can either be set to “on” or “auto.” If this switch is set to “on,” then … If the vacuum does not occur, the furnace will not ignite. I like Dan Holohan's expression "Keep your hands in your pockets" - my mom used to make me sitOn my own hands. Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator. When I turn the furnace off and then back on again from the thermostat it then blows warm air again. Or the gas line isn’t supplying enough gas to your furnace. If your furnace starts blowing warm but then quickly turns cold, the flame sensor may need attention. This can … Excessive heat or exposure to water can damage the circuit board, which can cause your furnace to lose some or all of its functionality. Ductwork is often installed in areas such as attics, garages or crawl spaces where there isn't temperature control. Check for an air duct leak, particularly, leaks from cold areas such as an un-heated crawl space or basement into the return air duct system. Check the air filter. It's also possible that the furnace's pilot light isn't well shielded. In other words; no vacuum means no ignition, which may be why you are experiencing cold air when you're expecting hot. Since heat pumps produce air that’s below that, it can feel cold to you. Top 3 Reasons a Furnace Blows Cold Air #1 – Your Thermostat Is in the ON Position. It has always done this. If we increase the thermostat to 70 the downstairs overheats up to 78 degrees in about 15 minutes-so we turn it down again, and then he is cold. If your fan is set to "on," your furnace will continue to blow cold air until the drain thaws. Have an expert inspect your ducts along with the furnace. While the system is in cooling mode, the frost that had built up on your outdoor coil then turns to water, runs … I don't know if they are-just thought of it. Use care not to touch an HSI when troubleshooting or installing a new one. Now about that pesky fan limit control, you could. The Heat Pump Condensing Unit. Check to see if it is and try these solutions: Solution 1: Relight the furnace pilot light. However, the fan will keep running, cooling the furnace to protect it from potential damage. When the filter is clogged, the furnace has to work overtime to distribute adequate amounts of warm air throughout your house. Furnace operating problem. The furnace will be more likely to pull in sediment from the tank, which can clog your air filter. (No not recently.). (has AC). Click to Show or Hide Citations & References, HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION COURESES (Canada), HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION: HOME STUDY COURSES, Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. Check out, On 2020-12-16 We have owned home 12 years. In addition, there are a few problems that are unique to pilotless furnaces which you'll want to look into if the troubleshooting tips above don't fix your problem. If you've recently had an electric power surge or any other power issue, the fix could be as simple as replacing a fuse or flipping the circuit breaker. One of the most common causes of a furnace blowing cold air is not actually a repair at all. Copyright 2021 Think Tank Home. Limit switch is at off 100, on 125 off 150. If you have a gas furnace, a lack of fuel will cause the pilot light to go out. Then, use a pipe cleaner or other small brush to remove any clogs within the supply tube. If the flame sensor is dirty, your furnace will turn on and begin heating but then turn cold … The lukewarm air coming out of your furnace can also be the result of leaky air ducts. I don't remember what it was but had to do with wiring. As a pilotless burner owner, you'll want to keep your fingers crossed that your issue isn't related to your burner's circuitry. Once the vacuum is created, the vacuum switch sends a signal for the furnace to ignite. If you own an electric furnace and it's blowing cold air there's a few things that could be causing the problem. These Common Issues May be the Reason, AC Evaporator Coils: Everything You Need to Know, AC Compressor Not Working but Fan is Running, Evaporator Coil Leak: What You Need to Do, Looking for A Portable Air Conditioner That Doesn’t Need A Window, Why Your Furnace is Short Cycling and What to Do About It, Best 50 Gallon Electric Water Heaters: Our Top Picks. If you find that you go to bed comfortable and wake up freezing because instead of your heater delivering warm air, it's blowing cold, it might be because the condensate drain has frozen. Let’s look at some of the solutions to this common furnace problem. I do not dare force it. A dirty furnace filter is the root cause of many problems. The oil from your fingers can cause permanent damage to the part. Heating up air uses a lot of energy and is financially costly. But you might want to consider calling a professional HVAC service who has the knowledge, tools and experience to find and repair the problem. The condensation must be removed from the system and if your condensate drain terminates outside your home, it can freeze. I have an electric furnace that blow cold air sometimes. It’s Just Been Switched On – Any furnace will blow cold air when it starts up, since it takes time for hot air to travel through the system and into your home. Although you can do this yourself, we recommend calling a professional as there may be another underlining problem. Solution 2: If the pilot refuses to light, ensure that gas is flowing into the furnace. By switching the thermostat to “auto,” the fan will only blow when the furnace is heating the air. And you wait — and wait — but the heater just blows cold air. I replaced the thermostat and that did not fix it. In a furnace, the heat being produced and blowing into your home starts out at upwards of 110 or more degrees, often much higher than that. Changing set points on limit switch does not seem to change pattern. Gas furnaces produce air that is 130-140°F range. If after refilling the tank your furnace doesn't turn on, it may be necessary to manually bleed and restart your furnace. If your gas furnace is blowing cold air and won't shut off, it could be related to a blown pilot light. Let us know what you find as that will help others. Check that the air filter is clean and that the ductwork is not obstructed. 1. Any help would be appreciated. Your gas supply could be turned off. Help! 2. If your furnace ran out of fuel, or was simply low on fuel, this could be your problem. If we close them the heat will stay on longer and it will get too hot. Basically, the furnace isn’t lighting the fuel, meaning it can’t heat your home, either. When overheating, your furnace can trip a high limit switch , causing the furnace burners to shut off so that the heat exchanger does not crack. The reason the fan shuts off during this process is so the system doesn't pull the cold air from the outside across the coil while the hot refrigerant circulates. It has always done this. When the furnace is … I have a Trane XE 90 furnace. Your thermostat’s fan setting. The furnace fan limit switch assembly is intended to be adjusted within a safe range by the heating service tech by moving the stops, but if you bend something the switch is damaged and unsafe, and if you set the switch incorrectly (for example fan coming on too late or turning off too early, or setting the upper limit too high) there is risk of overheating the heat exchanger, cracking it, risking fatal carbon monoxide poisoning at worst, or perhaps a costly heat exchanger or furnace replacement job. Heat pump systems operate pretty differently than standard furnace systems. When an oil furnace blows cold air the problem could be the result of one of the following reasons: It may seem silly, but you'd be surprised at how many people's furnace problems are simply a case of running out of oil. Would it matter if the return/supply "loop" for each apt were separate somehow? Or maybe the air starts off hot, then turns cool before the furnace shuts down. Discussed here: what to check if the forced warm air furnace blows cold air out of the supply registers, or cycles between blowing warm air & cold air. Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for an HSI to malfunction. It seems like something else besides ducts is the problem. Changing your furnace filter is an important part of caring for your HVAC system and it should be done, at minimum, every three months. If your furnace is blowing cold air, or is not operating at all, a component called the fan limit switch may have malfunctioned. As your oil or gas-powered furnace heats the air, condensation is created. This can be a little bit confusing, so let’s clarify it carefully. Limit switch is at off 100, on 125 off 150. Can you say what we ought to check? InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. The dirty air filter blocks the airflow, causing the furnace to run longer to heat your home until it overheats. If your thermostat is set to "on" instead of "auto," it could be causing your furnace to blow cold air. Next, use fine-grit sandpaper to remove any oxidation from the tip of the pilot, and reattach the pilot tube to the furnace. The electronic trouble code is 8, which means the gas pressure is low I have changed the gas valve and the flame sensor … read more Many times the problem can be resolved by restoring the thermostat to it's factory default settings. Check to see if one of these troubleshooting tips fixes the issue. If not, then keep reading. When your furnace is blowing cold air your warm and inviting home can turn into an icebox in a matter of hours! So 85-92°F feels cold to new heat pump owners. Keep us posted - what you learn will help other readers diagnosing a fan limit switch problem with their own furnace. Thermostat: A Furnace Blowing Cold Air Could be Due to Your Thermostat. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Oddly he does not complain during the really cold weather. With that said, even if you recently changed your filter you should check it again. As I said all was working well before the repairs as far as I know (maybe other tenants just didn't complain to me?). The fan blows fine. If the flame sensor is dirty, it will produce inaccurate readings which can cause heating issues. To mitigate carbon monoxide and puff backs, an internal motor kicks on and creates a vacuum just before the burner engages. That can be caused in turn by something as simple as a dirty air filter, or there may be a need for cleaning and service of the heater. Changing set points on limit switch does not seem to change pattern. Such leaks not only increase heating costs unnecessarily, they also are unsafe. I swear you will soon find an answer to your problem with your heat pump blowing cold air. Once every few days, the furnace will kick on as normal, send out heat, but after a few minutes we’ll notice that it’s blowing cool air. But before you call for help, you might be able to do some simple troubleshooting and save yourself a little money by fixing it yourself. First – make it worse. But in some buildings where heating ducts run through cold spaces and are not well insulated, or in installations in which the heating system is inducing cold outdoor air into the duct system, when the furnace burners are off the system will indeed blow cold air onto building occupants. If you own a gas furnace, there are several potential things that can cause cold air to blow when you're expecting hot. My tenant is angry and I want to fix this for him. Your furnace may be blowing cold air because the filter is too dirty. 3) Pilot light is out If your gas furnace is only blowing cold air, then the pilot light may be out. Perhaps your temperature gauge is … We’ve replaced the flame sensor, the filter is clean. Two different people worked on the 2016 repair. Am I missing something here? All Rights Reserved. It's blowing warm air at the moment. There are many reasons your car's heater isn't working. If your furnace seems to be blowing cold air, it could be a problem with the ignition system. Recent information. Another cause may be that you have a faulty limit that is opening prematurely. by (mod) - furnace blows cold air - what to check first. If the gas is on, but the pilot won't light or stay lit, the pilot tube or orifice may be dirty. According to the book the 2 red flashes means "Retries or recycles exceeded". But according to downstairs tenant the fan is not on. Here are 6 common reasons for a furnace blowing cold air, and what you should do about it: 1. If the ducts can be directed, make sure they point away from the thermostat. Your furnace blows hot air but that air quickly turns cold then the furnace shuts off altogether. If this doesn't resolve your cold air problem it could be the themostat itself, but before calling a professional, we recommend trying the other troubleshooting suggestions first. And if it's the dead of Winter, this can be a serious problem that needs immediate attention. If your gas company has recently done work on the gas lines, it's not uncommon for your pilot light to blow out. Before calling for repairs, check your fuel level. They are available in electric, gas and oil models. Your furnace may or may not be blowing cold air if your ductwork is leaking, but you may have noticed it more challenging to keep one or two rooms warm. The fan setting on your thermostat has two options, “on” and “auto”. These components typically have a 3 to 5 year service life, so it's a good idea to keep a spare on hand for when it inevitably needs to be replaced. But if it doesn't light, or it won't stay lit, you'll want to check that gas is flowing to the pilot. Is your furnace not blowing hot air? Ensure that your thermostat is set higher than the temperature in your home. Not sure if I can do a quick fix somehow? Furnace Blowing Cold Air? It willheat for a bit but then blows cold air. Your thermostat has an ON and AUTO switch that runs your blower. Check the following two switches to make sure that the furnace blower fan is not simply set to run continuously: If you need to introduce outdoor air into a building for air quality reasons, consider an air to air heat exchange system to save on heating costs. Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. You can easily fix this problem by thawing the condensate, but you'll need to take long term measures to prevent the issue from happening again. When heat called for and fan comes on it blows cold air, then heat, then cold, then off. But still the same issue. At my request a few days ago the tenant with thermostat set the fan to be ON all the time -and assures me it's still on. You might be suprised to learn that one of the most common residential HVAC issues is the thermostat. New furnaces are equipped with a spark ignitor or electronic ignition, which may require a technician to repair. Either hot air from the duct is blowing on the thermostat, causing it to think the RV is warmer than it actually is, or cold air is blowing across the thermostat, resulting in a similar issue. Seals breakdown, the constant pull of gravity, rodents, incorrect installation, and even age can play havoc when it comes to delivering hot air. Change the air filter If your furnace overheats, it could end up blowing cold air. If your fan only runs when your furnace is heating the air, then you’re much less likely to experience your furnace blowing cold air. You can try to follow your ductwork and check for leaks, you may even find something obvious and easy to fix. The first thing you should check is the fuses or circuit breaker. Changing your filter is a good starting point, but if the problem persists we have other options for you to troubleshoot. Continue reading at FAN LIMIT SWITCH TROUBLESHOOTING or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. Your furnace clicks on and the blower motor is running, but the air coming from the vents is cold or cool instead of hot. If gas or oil you can certainly verify whether or not the burner is shutting down when you'd expect it to keep running. Heat pumps are a different beast altogether. Use a wrench or pliers to remove the pilot tube. it resets and works properly. Apologies for the delay. When heat called for and fan comes on it blows cold air, then heat, then cold, then off. If you're lucky, the problem may be as simple as changing a fuse on the circuit board. FURNACE BLOWS COLD AIR at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. This article describes what to check if the warm air heating blower fan delivers intermittent cold air into the occupied space, or if the furnace cycles between blowing warm air & cool or even cold air into the building. The major issue that can cause this problem is a heat exchanger issue. If you notice your furnace only blows cold air on occasion but your home is still maintaining its temperature than this may be simply a setting on your thermostat. After checking that your fuel level is adequate and your filter is clean, the next area to check is the flame sensor. If the flame stays on, great! Owner not a technician but understands mechanical/heating concepts. When we shut it off, then restart(sometimes up to 5 times). If your pilot light did go out, try to relight it. If your ducts are leaking (and ENERGY STAR says that almost all homes leak about 30% of the air in their ducts), cold outside air is making its way into your ductwork. Take a look at the duct system itself for things that can make it cool down quickly blowing cold air sooner than one might expect, such as a long uninsulated run, missing insulation, air leaks at the return side. A dirty furnace filter can limit the airflow through your furnace and cause it to overheat, which will shut it off automatically. This winter local utility provider replaced burned out fan motor with same HP, number of speeds, etc. Turn the gas valve to the "on" position, and try to light the pilot again. The HSI features a cobalt element that's prone to cracking. You may also see an error message on your thermostat, or a blinking LED light on the furnace control board. This is especially common if you have an older fuel tank with a less-than-accurate fuel gauge. If I shut if off for a few minutes and then try again, about half the time it will blow hot air. If it stays lit, you should be back in business. This is a likely cause if your furnace blows hot air, then cold. When the air temperature reaches the setting you’ve chosen — let’s say 70 degrees — the furnace can take a break until the air drops below 70 again. - J.C. 4/15/2013. 11. If the flame sensor is dirty, it will produce inaccurate readings which can cause heating issues. 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