The new Ofsted Inspection Framework for 2019 was announced by Ofsted in 2018. Q�K�6� Part 2. Navigation item 7053 Ofsted handbooks; Navigation item 7048 Effective governance. 2. The EIF underwent a lengthy consultation process until 5 April 2019. This handbook is primarily a guide for Ofsted inspectors on how to carry out inspections. 771 0 obj <> endobj The most notable of these are: 1. 790 0 obj <>stream The most significant changes in the EIF concern the new judgement areas and grade descriptors. The new Ofsted Inspection Framework for 2019 was announced by Ofsted in 2018. h�bbd```b``�"W�Iu��2�dR�KA$k�L\";��*�$��0���o)#�$�8P'���߃� +� The ... Ofsted’s handbook refers to inspection. Personal development 5. Most Popular Content. What you need to know: Quick guide to 2019 changes . What skills students need to help them learn. ... Short or monitoring inspection handbook. Leadership and management. Virtual governance. EIF Equality, diversity and inclusion statement. He also dedicates a module … Published: May 2019; updated September 2019 Reference no: 180040 Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted registered provision Handbook for inspecting early years provision registered by Ofsted in England under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 This handbook describes the main activities inspectors undertake when they conduct The education inspection framework sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools, academies, non-association independent schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings in England. Ofsted Education Inspection Framework for early years September 2019 update and changes Ofsted's new Education Inspection Framework was updated in September 2019. The new education inspection framework from Ofsted was published 14th May 2019 along with the inspection handbook. 0 Keep an eye on our Ofsted hub for more guidance and practical resources on inspection under the 2019 framework.. As an aside, History Resource Cupboard will be introducing its own fully resourced high-quality Key Stage 3 coherent curriculum plan over the coming months. Monitoring priorities . B�����O?��9wn�~v�{����y��9/� �� ~ 6H.A����@M�(V����F�o������`I��Q�կ�)�%�X�٭�a�|W���� See all of NDNA's support for nurseries and early years providers here. The new EIF was published alongside a report on the responses to the public three-month consultation. [be����2��K���#h�����dա����Ѳz_�ْ�3{G��FZ�߾�?1>l�M���mU�Կ���2��ܹ��h�}�X� ��%DC����� 1x��%@�U����H_� ��d;��oc��: �̤�Dȡ�FgϠ1j�HY�9��jihg�� x��j��&�Ϲ'#���X���*0 n It has been replaced by the new Education Inspection Framework, EIF, and Ofsted FE Handbook implemented on 1 September 2019 and effective through 2021. In the lead up to the launch of the new Ofsted framework in 2019, the chief inspector of schools Amanda Spielman outlined the philosophical and political impetus behind the newly delineated ‘personal development’ judgment in the framework. h�b```� ,��@��Y8���� �9�_���v��i�� K��6�I�ъپ�]�R5 �N�E�\�z;ھi��H�jq��4�Q�]ڶ��+Ck������]!���4s}�Z�D,�z�DK��p�ȶ�Z�>���z�f�#��IJ�W�|f���ͼ0gj@G�PQ��4�T����G*:@�� �0�w��P.�b��B)F��*s(CLVt4��7P�&��+���� ��L/0)�J$�v�0�q=�����P��^��.����j�s�a������ ����*r hެUmk1�+��1�m���@^��:Fֱ���\r%����O�%]����p��[���ƀ���Ɇc�L�!�I� ��`�&���C �,���ߨ����������jtƁ�z�̫���ϣɨ��`)1��S�f�rī��k~�D@UYϷ�W�����7u���M��.��ܖ908U��ͪ����T����y[���`�>�a���\�ҳV���E5o���S��椬��'5*;��&u����`��_y�sL$�W98�����͊�S�*�`8���ŲY�}��r\Ƈ���Y����:-���\}���~d�T��n�f��� It is not an official Ofsted event. Published: January 2019 Reference no: 180041 School inspection handbook Handbook for inspecting schools in England under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 . 14 May update - what's new? The education inspection framework handbook places a duty on inspectors to assess how far schools are compliant with equalities legislation. He also dedicates a module to each of the four key judgments: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. FAQs on Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework What is the Ofsted framework? h�bbd``b`��WAD�`��@"�H�� �@�|.#'H1#���w� ϱ From September the Ofsted framework is set to change. The education inspection framework handbook places a duty on inspectors to assess how far schools are compliant with equalities legislation. This article summarise the key changes Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, highlighted in some of her earlier speeches on the topic. The NASUWT is the teachers’ union. May 2019 update – Following the Ofsted consultation 2019, Ofsted then released their new Ofsted framework 2019. The new framework states that in future inspections, Ofsted will monitor how schools develop pupils’ character. This framework and handbook document sets out Ofsted’s inspection principles, guidance and the main judgements that inspectors make when inspecting ITE. They also said that inspectors will ask schools to provide records and analysis of exclusions, pupils taken off roll, incidents of poor behaviour and any use of internal isolation. Source: School inspection handbook (Ofsted, May 2019) Page 1 Ofsted School Inspection Framework – September 2019 (Extracts include relevant safeguarding comments only) Information in this document contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. This handbook is primarily a guide for Ofsted inspectors on how to carry out non-association independent school inspections. Contents . From 1 September 2019, can we have some reassurance that Ofsted will become more transparent? In this course, Matt Bromley explains the differences between the 2019 EIF and its predecessor, the Common Inspection Framework (CIF), and why the inspection regime has changed. 2 ‘Education inspection framework: draft for consultation’, Ofsted, 2019; 15th Jul 2019. Ofsted Education Inspection Framework 2019: ... Our members overall welcome the proposed changes to the Education Inspection Framework and the handbook. Arguably the most controversial proposed change for FE was to reduce the current six provision types graded in inspection reports: The reduced focus on performance data and outcomes is a step in the right direction and ‘attainment’ is considered more broadly across the whole of the framework. `����Gu_x�@=q���� G&���حc��� �Ύ For example, in their complaints procedure, a state school cannot challenge an Ofsted decision. Introduced in September 2019, Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework 2019 outlines the principles that underpin how inspectors will judge the effectiveness of schools and colleges. Contents . Navigation item 7051 Conflicts of interest; Navigation item 10178 Governing Board External Review; Navigation item 10179 Governing Board Membership; Navigation item 10177 Governing Board Self-Review; Navigation item 10181 Governing Roles; Navigation item 10182 Planning; Navigation item 7049 Ethical … COVID-19 Frequently asked questions. The inspectorate said it received more than 15,000 responses to its consultation on both the schools and early years handbook combined. Two documents in Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework were updated. In September 2019 Ofsted changed the way it inspects schools, ... School inspection handbook. Navigation item 7051 Conflicts of interest; Navigation item 10178 Governing Board External Review; Navigation item 10179 Governing Board Membership; Navigation item 10177 Governing Board Self-Review; Navigation item 10181 Governing Roles; Navigation item 10182 Planning; Navigation item 7049 Ethical … The resulting framework is intended to reduce the reliance on data in determining outcome and place more … The 2015 Ofsted Inspection Framework and School Inspection Handbook are still in force. The new OFSTED Documentation to come into force in September 2019 have just been issued, including the Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings guidance. A new term included in the Early Years Inspection Handbook (2019) is 'Cultural Capital'. The education inspection framework sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools, academies, non-association independent schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings in England. This handbook is a guide for inspectors of further education and skills providers, under the education inspection framework (EIF). The NASUWT has produced other advice and guidance on inspection: † NASUWT Briefing: Changes to Ofsted inspection from September 2019. 1 In this handbook, any reference to the Education Act 2005 includes any amendments made by the Education and Inspections Act 2006, the Education and Skills Act 2008, the Academies Act 2010 and the Education Act 2011. Much has been written elsewhere about the implications for schools more widely, for example in Schools Week. The new Ofsted Framework states that: ‘Those pupils behind age-related expectations are provided with the opportunities to learn the mathematical knowledge and skills that are necessary to catch up with their peers’, and this is something we specialise in here at Third Space Learning. endstream endobj 772 0 obj <. Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 - key changes for nurseries Ofsted updated its Education Inspection Framework in September 2019, find out the key changes for early years here. Introduction This guidance is aimed at teachers and NASUWT representatives working in further education (FE) and skills provision who want an overview of the Ofsted inspection arrangements. NCW 2019 Ofsted Careers Handbook. Remote education. Safeguarding won't be graded specifically in the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework for September 2019, but it will be referenced in the Leadership and Management section of the report. ^^�;#j��'n F�I-O�H�1u���&��' ��O���+���)�s)i���3Q'��!vf�gnB��&um����n�t9��]�qgNAw��/�u;������� ��qG��a Changes to reading standards: We're Going on a Bear Hunt. Providers who only provide care for children at the beginning and end of the school day or in holiday periods will only be ins… This article summarise the key changes Amanda Spielman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, highlighted in some of her earlier speeches on the topic. kzln��P�����oO�BZ��aԽ���\Un��D���8���ȬL��k�]�����+3v!N�%����������u����Z�p��Œ{�'Fų`��͎YW��Z����Ak�lNO��ڢ�@�j��p��y���3A�)R8a`���5ze�c�ź�vO���ޘᫎ��! The Early Years Inspection handbook has been updated by Ofsted and will be used by inspectors from September 2019. 47. This handbook is primarily for OFSTED inspectors on how to carry out school inspections, however it is made available to schools and other organisations to ensure that they are informed about the process and procedures of the OFSTED inspection. The inspection handbook goes on to say that inspectors will draw from range of evidence to make their judgement, including: the quality, range and take-up of extra-curricular activities . Under the new EIF, all “infant, junior, primary and lower-middle schools” will undergo a reading ‘deep dive.’ This is mandatory and includes phonics! Matt provides an overview of the 2019 framework and the schools inspection handbook and explains the methodology of inspection. This outlines the main changes to inspection. Published: May 2019; updated September 2019 Reference no: 180040 Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted registered provision Handbook for inspecting early years provision registered by Ofsted in England under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 This handbook describes the main activities inspectors undertake when they conduct Handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, for use from September 2019 This handbook describes the main activities that inspectors carry out when they inspect further education and skills providers in England under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. How non-association independent schools (referred to as schools) will be inspected: This contains information about the process before, during and after the inspection. This article identifies the key safeguarding changes and implications from the updated documentation and key … Introduced in September 2019, Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework 2019 outlines the principles that underpin how inspectors will judge the effectiveness of schools and colleges. The National Secular Society has welcomed a commitment to inclusion in an updated school inspection framework for 2019 from the education watchdog Ofsted. Updates based on the outcome of Ofsted's consultation on its 2019 inspection framework 2 . We also publish this for schools and other interested parties so that they are aware of Ofsted’s inspection processes and procedures under the education inspection framework (EIF). The new OFSTED Documentation to come into force in September 2019 have just been issued, including the Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings guidance. Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage 2017 . Ofsted's updated inspection framework comes into force in September 2019. Following the release of the new Early Years Inspection Handbook, which comes into effect in September 2019, we contacted Ofsted with a number of urgent questions about the new inspection regime for out of school clubs, as set out in Annex A of the Handbook.. 2 . endstream endobj startxref Fҽޥܻ~� ��F�9#X���vs��Ͱ���vv�Ab>�!P�ـ� d�~'���c�Q��R��XЌ%�g�x"�8���Rད�P�C������y_��3!Wgbg3�P�͝I>����O��0r܃te]��ڜ��l3~9���$LW��b[ʍ�c/$uQ���m��>�6�v�,6{*��B�q���b�1>����Vx3ee=�He�m�OB��K� ��V|�Yh�F�7mL�?4���@��� ��+��\�cJ��E>Κ. Find out more. It applies to school inspections carried out from September 2019 under the education inspection framework (EIF).2 3. endstream endobj 2302 0 obj <>/Metadata 232 0 R/Outlines 265 0 R/OutputIntents 2298 0 R/Pages 2297 0 R/StructTreeRoot 360 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 2312 0 R>> endobj 2303 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 2297 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2304 0 obj <>stream In the new 2019 framework, Ofsted said that their school inspection handbook closely matches the DfE’s statutory guidance on exclusions, and it is clear that exclusions must be legal and justified. The 2015 Ofsted Inspection Framework and School Inspection Handbook are still in force. Ofsted Education Inspection Framework ... but refers to the Governance Handbook (March 2019) which sets out their roles and responsibilities. In January 2019, Ofsted opened a consultation to collect views on the prospective changes to the Common Inspection Framework to be implemented from September 2019. The ... Ofsted’s handbook refers to inspection. 47. The consultation ran for five months and resulted in an updated inspection process. The education inspection framework May 2019, No. The EIF handbook says, ‘when safeguarding is ineffective, this is likely to lead to an inadequate leadership and management judgement'. This handbook applies to inspections from 1 September 2019 under the education inspection framework (EIF).1Inspectors will apply their professional judgement when they use this handbook. The resulting framework is intended to reduce the reliance on data in determining outcome and place more … Education Inspection Framework – overview of research . NCW 2019 Ofsted Careers Handbook. 2321 0 obj <>stream 'Cultural Capital' is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. Feedback and judgements Inspection activity, including lesson observations, will continue during day two. The EIF handbook says, ‘when safeguarding is ineffective, this is likely to lead to an inadequate leadership and management judgement'. Wed 16th Jan 2019, 0.01 Ofsted has launched the consultation on its eagerly-anticipated new inspection framework, proposing longer inspections for ‘good’-rated schools and a plan to send inspectors in to schools earlier for “collaborative” preparation time with leaders. New Ofsted inspection framework published The Education Inspection Framework (EIF) has been published today, ahead of implementation in September.. Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years Settings (from September 2019) Reporting Requirements. In the newly disclosed Ofsted Education Inspection Framework for September 2019, Safeguarding will not be explicitly assessed; however, the Leadership and Management report will make some references to it. The handbook has three parts: ◼ Part 1. %PDF-1.6 %���� Jonathan Beale, Researcher-in-Residence, CIRL. What does 'Cultural Capital' mean? Safeguarding won't be graded specifically in the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework for September 2019, but it will be referenced in the Leadership and Management section of the report. SAFEGUARDING IN THE 2019 OFSTED FRAMEWORK AND HANDBOOKS Updated: Dec 10, 2019. Introduction 3. This article identifies the key safeguarding changes and implications from the updated documentation and key actions for schools in response. 0 Matt provides an overview of the 2019 framework and the schools inspection handbook and explains the methodology of inspection. The 2019 Ofsted inspection framework for the first time has a separate judgement of ‘personal development’. The … Ofsted School Inspection Framework – September 2019 (Extracts include relevant safeguarding comments only) Information in this document contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. %%EOF This webinar will focus specifically on the early years inspection handbook for inspecting early years in England under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006. Overall effectiveness 2. On 16th January 2019, Ofsted published the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 as well as associated inspection handbooks for consultation. Following the release of the new Early Years Inspection Handbook, which comes into effect in September 2019, we contacted Ofsted with a number of urgent questions about the new inspection regime for out of school clubs, as set out in Annex A of the Handbook.. Will Ofsted continue to use machine learning algorithms to predict schools at risk of decline? DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION – January 2019 This document has been archived because it is no longer current. Ofsted's new education inspection framework applies to maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools, further education … Find out more. endstream endobj startxref 783 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6266055E0BA00A4AA2B0210CE969CCAA><6A09B5BDE1AE4649B7ADA3800DA60914>]/Index[771 20]/Info 770 0 R/Length 78/Prev 264476/Root 772 0 R/Size 791/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (‘Ofsted’) published their new Education Inspection Framework in May, which has been implemented this month. 2301 0 obj <> endobj Quality of education 3. Much has been written elsewhere about the implications for schools more widely, for example in Schools Week. On 14 May 2019 Ofsted launched a new education inspection framework for September 2019. Ofsted's updated inspection framework comes into force in September 2019. Introduction 3. 2310 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4D091D95BEAA7D4397445ADF1E7DA2AE>]/Index[2301 21]/Info 2300 0 R/Length 62/Prev 557932/Root 2302 0 R/Size 2322/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The judgement areas under the EIF are: 1. Ofsted Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education 5 April 2019 1. These were: Early Years Inspection Handbook (2019) Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years and Skills Settings (2019). But, are these changes cosmetic or is there a real shift in focus, particularly for children and young people with SEND? 190015 . 14 May update - what's new? We have already blogged extensively about curriculum planning. Keep an eye on our Ofsted hub for more guidance and practical resources on inspection under the 2019 framework.. %PDF-1.7 %���� The new framework states that in future inspections, Ofsted will monitor how schools develop pupils’ character. The NASUWT believes that, as publicly funded institutions, schools should be held accountable. �j ���� ����u���c`aK��c�` ��z The fact that inspectors won’t use schools’ internal data does not mean schools can’t or shouldn’t use such data themselves – that is for leaders to decide. The National Secular Society has welcomed a commitment to inclusion in an updated school inspection framework for 2019 from the education watchdog Ofsted. Planned the order of progression in which they will deliver skills and knowledge, both at: Micro level (individual lesson) Macro level (Across years/key stages) 168. The guidance explains what inspectors will inspect, how they will inspect, and how inspectors will make judgements and report. There are also a number of additional changes to the way that inspections are conducted. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education. FAQs on Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework What is the Ofsted framework? … What does the framework say about character? Updates based on the outcome of Ofsted's consultation on its 2019 inspection framework The fact that inspectors won’t use schools’ internal data does not mean schools can’t or shouldn’t use such data themselves – that is for leaders to decide. Ofsted does not require schools to: n retrospectively apply for DBS and … The NASUWT welcomes the opportunity to comment on Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education. Understand Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework. The education inspection framework May 2019, No. In 2019, Ofsted made “how children are taught to read” a priority for inspections in schools. Skills audit and skills matrix. Ofsted have changed the format of inspection from September 2019 – the focus will be on quality of education, children’s personal development and behaviour and attitudes to their learning and provider’s leadership and management. The 2019 Ofsted inspection framework for the first time has a separate judgement of ‘personal development’. Please note that the workshop is developed and delivered by Excellence in Learning. s��W����wp���8����JD�%��x�ʛ���P�.ՙ�� �oH]x@�%�X?IM#�K��&:��Q47����������� The guidance draws from the Education inspection framework (EIF) and the Further education and skills inspection handbook. GENERAL COMMENTS 3. The new education inspection framework from Ofsted was published 14th May 2019 along with the inspection handbook. Safeguarding in Early Years inspection handbook ( 2019 ) which sets out Ofsted s. On Ofsted ’ s 2019 Education inspection framework comes into force in 2019... 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