The dynamic group of speakers including Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Eric Johnson, Kevin & Theresa Dedmon, Dann Farrelly, Bernie Ooley, Mark Brookes, Gabe Valenzuela, Paul Manwaring and Banning Liebscher bring transforming messages of the revival culture, inheritance, leadership, activation, healing, the prophetic and Biblical studies. I have strengthened my beliefs about the importance of ministering to children. The Bible is being marginalized and ridiculed like never before. CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE. TSSM uses a combination of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry curriculum from Redding, CA and teaching materials developed by Trinity Church staff and renowned leaders from various streams within the Body of Christ. You’ll develop in your unique call and prepare for ministering to the world. Curriculum from Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry, along with teaching from Victory’s Pastors, establishes and reinforces Kingdom identity and values in the heart and mind of the believer. Former Bethel prophecy teacher reveals inside information about Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. I didn’t realize they had the [spiritual] capability or that they were even hungry for more. I look forward in co-laboring with you!!! It has totally changed my vision for children ministry and as I continue my learning process the Holy Spirit is laying so much in my heart to do. What an eye opener on how Christians should be raising Children with a Biblical World view. The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry School Planting website has published an article entitled “Pastoring People With Unique Spiritual Giftings.” Their article reveals their progressive slide into mysticism and Gnosticism, and reaffirms the need to expose this school for what it is. The DVD curriculum is designed to enable churches to start schools of ministry and/or supplement their current teaching material with the supernatural. I have NEVER heard anyone preach on these topics AT ALL. Lucy. We cover a broad range of topics, but all are designed to help heal up and train up our students. Proudly created with. I can honestly say I’ll never look at children’s ministry the same again. I need that because I myself am not trained. It is like I am pregnant and waiting when I am done to give birth.” Fon Humphrey, Cameroon, West Africa, “I have listened to the SSCM course at least 4 or 5 times. When I listened to ‘I hate Sunday school ‘and watched Becky teach the preschoolers I was wow. Kids today are hungry for the supernatural, and this course shows you how to bring them into their God-given spiritual destiny which they were born for. It's time to move forward in the call and destiny of God on your life. As a full time student, Advanced Ministry Training (AMT) classes are available throughout the year that provide a deeper understanding in areas such as intimacy with God, preaching, intercession, business and career ministry, life coaching and more. I introduced our children’s team to the material and we immediately put it into practice in all our children’s sessions. GOOD NEWS! The curriculum of the school is designed to support our core values of the Father's love, sonship, healing of the heart and supernatural power. Featuring the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Curriculum. © 2017 by NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF SUPERNATURAL MINISTRY. It is parents’ job to train the children! Enrollment is for one year, so you can discern your continuation as a Year 2 student. We have live staff instructors that teach on Bible, prophetic ministry, healing ministry, leadership and so much more. We're training revivalists to demonstrate the supernatural power and love of God to the nations with Kiwi flavour.You’ll see faith demonstrated, and get activated yourself into praying for healing, prophecy and miracles. I highly recommend it to EVERY parent! There are also opportunities in class, in field trips and through ministry trip opportunities with our leaders to minister. Is the Bible trustworthy, and still relevant in today’s crazy upside-down narcissistic world? But this one is something very very different from what I have already received from the other ministries. Ministry vs Calling 2. The school staff also does a great deal of coaching throughout the year. We focus on worship, study in the Word, activation in the supernatural, and character development through community and service. These guest instructors are brought in one Saturday a month for about 5 hours of instruction. First to carry this KIMI to all the local churches in my community. 5. This course has been very eye-opening with statistics and empowering with the Truth! The DVD curriculum is designed to enable churches to start schools of ministry and/or supplement … There is a reason it is the world's largest video Bible School, now in 150 nations and in 75 languages. If you need extra time, we have moved our annual graduation deadline to December 31! SSCM Level One: Children’s Ministry Basics, SSCM Level Three: Revolutionary Family Ministry. (704) 943-6500. info (at) Messianic Vision, Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry (SSCM) Have it your way! I wish to say this again thank you so much for this opportunity given to me get this training. PSSM | The Prophetic School of Supernatural Ministry teaches christians how to preach the gospel accompanied by healing miracles and prophecy . I am excited about the future because I feel that I am armed and ready to go to a new level with KIMI PowerClubs.” Wally Sayers, Guatemala, “As I started doing the course it was like rekindling a fire on the inside of me, restoring the vision and passion. I am learning so many new things of which by the time I am done my ministry will be on fire for Jesus. Preparing For Ministry 5. Necessities For Ministry 4. Nothing like it on the planet! Through this ministry, they learn about intercessory prayer, ministering to people, discernment, deliverance and healing ministry. You will learn more about AMTs once school starts. “This school has changed our lives, our church, our culture and our children. Second, we utilize video curriculum from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, shown above. Check out their beautiful faces here in our online graduation class photos. Hi I’m Dr. Berin Gilfillan, founder of the International School of Ministry also known as the ISOM. These are books that present foundational truths that help build the students understanding, knowledge and character. The change in the children (and adults) was truly amazing! Debbie Desmond, Nigel Desmond, Ferdie Swanepoel, Carol Campbell, Lauren Bluck, Colleen Kruger and more. Congratulations to Our 2019 SSCM Graduates! Proudly created with, © 2017 by NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF SUPERNATURAL MINISTRY. With a program similar to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry curriculum as well as the distinct world-changing DNA of Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry, adult students of all ages will passionately pursue God in a community based on love, faith and honor, and learn to build revival culture with solid Biblical understanding. It’s Supernatural! The School of Kingdom Ministry is a ministry school designed to integrate directly into your church, giving you all the benefits of local training and equipping with people you know and trust. We're training revivalists to demonstrate the supernatural power and love of God to the nations with Aussie flavour.You’ll see faith demonstrated, and get activated yourself into praying for healing, prophecy and miracles. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law, tax identification number 52-1081247. A 12-month dynamic curriculum that will transform your lives and communities. School of Ministry! Putting our Children’s spiritual needs first and doing it before it’s too late should be our top priority.” Marla Martin, Tennessee, “What I am learning is so awesome. Even though most of their teachers have received training from C.E.F, that will not stop nor discourage me. “As I prayed for Trinity, I heard the word “supernatural.” With this will come a new training school for the supernatural. “This ministry has changed my life and every kid in my ministry.” Shelly Gunter, In 2019 we had 1,361 SSCM graduates! Everything changed! E. Moving In The Supernatural. Keep going! Out went the need for games and crafts – in came a hunger for His presence. Our children were able to come into the very presence of their loving Heavenly Father and to hear His voice speaking directly to them. As we learn who we are in Christ in deeper ways, our connection with the Father strengthens. Be part of what God's doing in this city through the Hong Kong School of Supernatural Ministry. “This course has been phenomenal! Purchase one level at a time, or all three at once for a special price savings. The 1st Year BSSM Video Curriculum is a 9-month program designed to create an environment where students can safely take risks as they learn and develop a lifestyle of character and supernatural ministry. I want to personally welcome and thank you for considering your journey to earning a ministry degree. Becky Fischer,Founder/Director of the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry. CSSM has earned accreditation status to offer an associate degree. Flowing Out in the Supernatural 4. Levels of Ministry 3. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 situation, we are not able to schedule any type of live graduation event. It is everything I’ve been feeling in my heart for some time and so much more!!! Third, we utilize guest instructors that are regionally recognized and sometimes internationally recognized apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (see section on Guest Instructors). Not just children ministers.. A reminder that discerning believers should never be surprised at the antics coming out of Bethel and their Supernatural School of Ministry. This includes a variety of world-renowned instructors. At Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, we’ll equip you to walk in the gifts of the Spirit, prepare your noble character, and empower you to follow Jesus as He moves powerfully on the earth today. SSCM will radically change how you view children and ministry and parenting to them forever. (By the way, please check out our YouTube channel because I am posting a lot more videos these days which will add to what you are doing in SSCM.”. Lucy Jonck, from the UK, said, “I have always been interested in the supernatural, but I first bought the book ‘Redefining Children’s Ministry in the 21st Century’ when I felt frustrated that what I was teaching and asking of unchurched children, for example to not give in to temptation, they were powerless to do without the Holy Spirit. ” Anita Matthews, India, “God led me to Becky Fischer and the Supernatural School of Children’s Ministry. The School of Supernatural Ministry exciting life-changing, go-at-your-own-pace course is available in 45 hours of video teaching, and is also available as an online course. Featuring Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Curriculum. Living a supernatural lifestyle is easier than you think! I have been in discussion with the pastoral team in my church, and we have decided to launch the “Hearing God’s Voice” curriculum in 2015 to benefit about 150 to 200 children. Be encouraged! There is no more time to waste. The Levels are:Level One: Children’s Ministry BasicsLevel Two: Supernatural EquippingLevel Three: Revolutionary Family Ministry. 2-Year School of Ministry. You’ll develop in your unique call and prepare for ministering to the world. Through hands-on ministry, the students learn more than head knowledge and actually have spiritual skills when they graduate. So, for all of you who are still going through the classes, just know YOU ARE PART OF A MOVEMENT! I’m so grateful to God that my steps were ordered to find such a treasure [as the] the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry! Our numbers grew and the spirituality of the children very quickly outgrew most of the adults within church family!” Alison Wilson, England, “Listening to the lessons in the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry has helped me shift my focus as to how far I can take the message of God to children. Firehouse School of Supernatural Ministry is established to equip and train revivalists into their full identity as sons and daughters through supernatural Bible based education. This is something I feel every person working in a Children’s Church Department, Christian parents, Children, and Pastors should see & be encouraged to complete. We believe that when it comes to the works of Jesus, “everybody gets to … Congratulations on your hard work! The reading assignment is a little more than one book per month. I am so blessed to have the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry flash drive right at my fingertips, so I can listen and listen again all I want. In addition, we have 957 active PowerClubs ministering to 30,125 children in all those nations. I am now preparing a detailed training and mentoring program to train the teachers in the church to implement many useful aspects of what I have learned.” Paul Teo, Singapore, “These courses have revolutionized my thinking when it comes to children’s ministry. I felt that I needed to equip myself so I would be confident whenever I next had the opportunity to lead children to Jesus. You can choose to do all three Levels at once, or SSCM will radically change how you view children and ministry and parenting to them forever. I have also receive training from One Hope etc. As far as we know there is not another correspondence training school like the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry. This is prophetic training online for you, so you will be able to turn around and equip your children to walk in the prophetic, supernatural power of God. Learn how to engage the power and authority Jesus Christ has given us as children of God. Our kids are being indoctrinated to believe it’s the greatest fairy tale ever told. • A team of teachers with a wealth of ministry experiences and spiritual giftings can impart to the learners • There is a need for trained workers in the realm of God’s power • There is a hunger for a sound supernatural ministry. For the 14 years I have been in children’s ministry and have done training with Child Evangelism Fellowship, twice level 1, 2 and the instructor of teachers level one. The School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry is the tool you have been praying for whether you are a parent or a children’s ministry worker. We apologize, and we would love to meet with each of you in person someday in the future. The School of Supernatural Life is a ministry of Grace Center Franklin designed to transform lives. 1. We also require students to serve a certain number of nights through the year in the Lower Columbia Healing Rooms. AN END TIMES MOVEMENT! This means there are 30,125 children being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, learning to hear God’s voice, heal the sick and much more! I’m now a school teacher, and the modules on the course that address the spiritual world of children and parenting have been particularly interesting as I see how the supernatural affects children daily. The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry’s (BSSM) vision is to teach, equip, train and commission the Saints to bring revival to the four corners of the earth. HKSSM YEAR 1, 2021. Your Entry into the Supernatural 2. ... “ I recommend the School of Supernatural Life because it is led by godly people who seek to bring the Word and Spirit together – a rare combination these days. What sets this school apart from others is our passion to not only equip and empower you in the things of God but also teach you how to flow in the supernatural in every area of your life. Those … Take all three levels, or just the one that is best for your specific needs and interests. DSSM is a school of supernatural ministry based out of Springfield Missouri. By churchwatcher on July 14, 2020. I’ve joined a church that values children in the same way and look forward to the opportunities God provides to put this into practice in the future. African teachers include Esmé Schmitt, Bill Bennot. God bless you, Becky Fischer!! NWSSM is a ministry school designed to raise up Revivalists in the Northwest and beyond, while still serving in their home churches. How do we protect our children against this onslaught? Based on the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry curriculum as well as the distinct world-changing DNA of Global Celebration, adult students of all ages will passionately pursue God in a community based on love, faith and honor, and learn to build revival culture with solid Biblical understanding. It caused me to repent before God and to press in as to how to serve and teach this generation about a Supernatural, Great, Big Awesome God.” ~Monique R., NC. Fourth, we utilize required reading as a portion of our educational process. Last and the most exciting is our hands-on learning. Thank you so much, Becky Fischer!” Zaure Vuk, Missionary, “Yippee!!! Joining the generations together and teaching them to honor, value, and serve each other is consistent with Victory’s core values of accepting, caring, training, and serving. It will be an Acts 1:8 school! This year we had 933 Graduates Worldwide! 1. We have 9 KIMI directors, and 11 KIMI Regional Representatives who all contributed to the totals. We have campuses onsite and online for the full 2-year Encounter School of Ministry with classes meeting once per week. In our ministry here in Guatemala we have done a lot of child evangelism, and some equipping, but I always thought that there was something missing, and needed to get these kids more in the presence of God by teaching them how to do that. ~ 2015 SSCM Grad Stacey Linsalata, Ohio, “I loved this training! 1st Year. They are valuable. Their SSM was founded in 1998 and is headed by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. Getting to know our SSCM graduates is very valuable to us, because from this point on you are forever part of the KIMI SSCM family! I HIGHLY recommend listening to these sessions, you will not be the same! At times when I listened I would cry and there was a stirring in my spirit and I know God has been doing something. This was an accumulation of grads from Levels 1, 2, and 3 in over 16 nations! The Crossing School of Supernatural Ministry (CSSM) was launched in response to many prophetic words spoken over our church, that we were to be a training center for spiritual leadership. The students are able to be involved with the instructor on a fairly smaller basis this way and have instruction, question and answer time and ministry time with these amazing leaders. Students in first year will cover the following topics: LC7 School of Supernatural Ministry is presence-based, utilizing Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry curriculum. It was so powerful and Bible based! But we were very limited. The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry’s (BSSM) vision is to teach, equip, train and commission the Saints to bring revival to the four corners of the earth. Our goal is for it to be convenient, easy, and affordable to take each course at your own pace. So what is the truth about God’s word and how do we teach our children to believe it is true against the culture of the day? It has given me a Brand New Perspective when it comes to ministering to children. Blessings, Reny Fishman, USA”, “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to you and your team for the hours of work/editing/ministry you’ve put into this course. We have five main sources of instruction. Featuring the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Curriculum. GROW in the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD We’ve learned so much and are so thankful for your ministry.” Liezl Pienaar, Zambia Missionary, “I have two bachelor’s degrees and two masters degrees in education and theology, yet I can earnestly say that Power Club training and the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry training is some of the best I have ever experienced.” Sherry Chester, children’s pastor in Texas, “I’ve learned from some of the best teachers and preachers in the world but I have to say what Becky presented through 45 lessons as a whole is some of the best teaching I have received in over 2 1/2 decades.” ~Steve O’Brien. The School of Supernatural Ministry exciting life-changing, go-at-your-own-pace course is available in 45 hours of video teaching, and is also available as an online course. School of Ministry (ISSM) was birthed out of a strong desire to see people equipped for the calling God has on their lives. It was fantastic that children speaking in tongues was viewed as normal, helping children be engaged by Holy Spirit, and not just entertained by people. Now those limitations have been removed by these wonderful courses. The London School of Supernatural ministry is a full and part-time hands on training course, in the heart of London and based on the Bethel SSM Curriculum. Thank you for everything.” ~Alyssa Gamez, (To see ALL of our graduates, click here: “When the Team works, the Dream works!”. It was so encouraging that hearing from God and healing the sick, things I dreamed of seeing children do, was not crazy, but achievable even in the UK. Not trained and there was a stirring in my spirit and I know God been. Lifestyle is easier than you think leadership school of supernatural ministry curriculum so much, Becky Fischer, Founder/Director of the of. In co-laboring with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 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